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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Exploring UUSG Membership Classes


Exploring UUSG Membership Classes

UU Society of Geneva

UUSG Exploring Membership Fall Classes

For those interested in exploring membership at UUSG, there will be a 20 – 30 minute gathering in the sanctuary on Sunday, September 29th at 11:45am. You’ll get to meet others, and receive a packet of information with a little homework in preparation for an exploring membership class.

Membership classes are being offered on Sunday, October 6th and 20th. Both will begin at noon in the sanctuary and include lunch! Choose the date that suits you best and sign up here or by talking to one of the greeters wearing a blue nametag. Childcare (ages 0-8) is provided upon request, please put ages of children in the comment section when signing up.

For those transferring membership from another UU church: an ideal time to sign our membership book, fill out a new member profile, and have your picture taken for our directory would be after church at 11:45 on October 6th or 20th. If you prefer, you can send a digital picture to our church administrator, Christine Imelski, or may choose to have no picture beside your contact information. You will be invited to participate in our annual new member recognition service in the spring of 2025.